The 'Great Fraternity Leader' checklist

The 'Great Fraternity Leader' checklist

The 'Great Fraternity Leader' checklist Great leaders aren't born, they're made. And becoming a great leader requires honest self-reflection and the occasional personal check-up. The following list is made to help you do exactly that! As you read through the list, ask yourself what areas you could improve upon... Be honest with yourself.

How do You rate??

1. Guide, don't control. Don't take a completely hands-off approach, but don't micromanage your men either. Explain what needs to get done, but don't dictate exactly how you want it done. Let them have ownership over their actions!

2. Utilize your men's strengths. All of your guys have something to offer. Identify, recognize and cultivate their specific skills. Maybe they are very social (great for recruitment)... maybe they're analytical (excellent for planning events like RCB and Philanthropies).

3. Empower Them. Give them the tools they need to succeed and the opportunities to learn new skills. (Send them to Regional Leadership Conferences and Province Education Conferences)

4. Trust. Don't second-guess your men's abilities. Believe that you recruited a great group of men.

5. Take an active interest in your men's personal lives. Ask about their families and hobbies. Remember their birthdays. This builds your brotherhood even stronger.

6. Offer praise. Be quick to give a compliment for a job well done. Do it Publicly!!

7. Respect your Men. Your position of authority and leadership doesn't excuse belittling, abusing or humiliating any of the men, no matter how unintentional. Check that your tone isn't condescending or "parental", especially when giving in¬¬struc¬¬tions or critiques publicly.

8. Admit shortcomings and ask for their help. There is no shame in admitting to your guys that they are more skilled in a particular area than you. Asking for help shows that you respect their knowledge and abilities.

9. Have integrity. Avoid a "do as I say and not as I do" attitude. Hold yourself to the same standards to which you hold your men. Give credit where credit is due. For instance, if you use an idea from one of the new guys that is successful, give him the credit.

10. Learn from your mistakes. It's not enough to admit when you make mistakes. Learn not to repeat them. Otherwise, you men are going to consider your admissions of error and accompanying apologies as nothing more than lip service.

11. Don't play the blame game. In the face of adversity, look to solve the problem, not place blame. Your men truly value knowing that you have their backs. That doesn't mean you should insulate them against deserved discipline, especially if they've done something to hurt the entire chapter. Just don't throw your guys under the bus when they make honest mistakes.

12. Give everyone a voice. Whenever possible, let the men have a say in decisions that directly impact them. Also, ask them for feedback. If it's not possible to use their suggestions, explain why in a timely manner.

13. Listen; really listen, to what each man is saying. Sometimes, you have to read between the lines or listen for what's not said.

14. Keep them in the loop. Let them know when, why and how decisions are made. Also, explain the reasons behind new policies/bylaws/rules or changes to existing ones… don't just say "this is how it's going to be". That never works well.

15. Keep things in perspective. Don't go crazy over something frustrating. Ask yourself, "Will this matter in a week from now?" If not, it might be best to just let it go.

16. Don't waste their time. Call meetings only when absolutely necessary. Have a clear agenda and be organized. (Keep chapter meetings under one hour!) Also, recognize that your guys have lives outside of the Fraternity and give them the flexibility to live it.

17. Compromise. Meeting your guys halfway goes a long way! Be careful, however, of compromising too often. If you do, they may start to think they can bend your will whenever they want, and, in the process, lose respect for your authority and leadership.

18. Be blunt, but tactful. Don't beat around the bush. Burying your message in small talk, for example, could result in the message getting lost.

19. Hold ALL of the men accountable, i.e., don't play favorites. Not only will a failure to treat your men similarly pit them against each other, but it could also result in a dropped membership, poor chapter morale, and low involvement.

20. Open your door, and walk out of it. It's important for the guys to know that your door is always open to them. (This could be literal if you live in a TKE House or figurative) But be careful of waiting for them to come to you. Make a habit of finding where they are hanging out and socialize with them on their turf.

Becoming a great leader takes time, effort and dedication. It's not going to happen overnight! Practice these tips and tricks often. Wake up every morning and make today better than yesterday!

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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