Collegiate Advisory Committee Chairman Selected
INDIANAPOLIS - The Venerable Grand Prytanis Christopher T. Hanson (Alpha-Pi, George Washington) is proud to announce that Patrick Diehr (Gamma-Kappa, Indiana) has been selected as the chairman of the Collegiate Advisory Committee. The Collegiate Advisory Committee Chairman is an At-Large member of the Grand Council and his vote represents the voice of the collegiate members.
Venerable Grand Prytanis Hanson shared, “Frater Patrick has demonstrated terrific leadership with his chapter and their results stand as an example for others to emulate. I am greatly looking forward to his onboarding process and gaining the valuable collegiate perspective he will contribute. The Grand Council is engaged with significant strategic planning discussions and Patrick’s involvement will add valuable context to these developments.”
While serving as Prytanis of Gamma-Kappa’s more than 150 members, Frater Diehr is majoring in Accounting and Finance. Following in the footsteps of the 2015-17 CAC Chairman Jonah Griego, this summer, Patrick was an intern at the TKE Educational Foundation and was pivotal in the success of the TEF Silent Auction and other Foundation activities at Conclave 2017.
“I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve as the Collegiate Advisory Committee Chairman and sit on the Grand Council. We have an all-star team of CAC members and I know we will do a great job of representing TKE collegiates,” shared Diehr.
After an open application process, the Collegiate Advisory Committee is appointed by the Chief Executive Officer and then approved by a vote of the Past Grand Prytani. The chairman is then elected by the nine appointed members of the CAC. The CAC’s purpose is to act as advisors to the Grand Council through their Chairman.
In addition to this role, Frater Diehr envisions the CAC as a resource for all collegiates, “My vision for the CAC over the next biennium is to expand the awareness of the CAC and to serve as an outlet for collegiate members to ask questions or gain advice.”
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.