Tips as Final Exams Approach

Tips as Final Exams Approach


Across TKE Nation  Fraters are preparing for the 2013 year to come to an end. Although the holiday break is always anticipated, the winter time also means that final exams are closely approaching. The Offices of the Grand Chapter would like to offer some academic tips to prepare you for your final examinations, and help you better enjoy your holiday break.

Plan Ahead for Exams

Students get in the habit of counting backwards from an exam. "English Test on Tuesday.  I need three days to study. So, I guess I will begin studying on Saturday." Instead, look ahead and see how many days you have from now until your exam. Break up your reading and studying throughout the days remaining so that you can recall more information in more amount of time.

Prioritize Your Exams

Considering all of your exams as equal exams is not a good mindset to have. Understand what your course grades are coming into the exam, and which exams have more weight within your major or field of study. Focus on the exams that are more important and plan accordingly.

Always Remember Why You are Attending College

Re-focusing on why you are attending school will help you focus on the steps that are needed. Psych yourself up for the exam by reminding yourself of the rewards that will follow your graduation. Final exams are relevant and essential to you achieving your goals.

Learn How You Study Best

Whether it be a group environment, flash cards, or locking yourself in the school library with headphones in your ears; choose the study habit that you are most comfortable and efficient with. Taking a 10 minute break every hour that you study will help you study for long lengths of time.

Get in a Habit of Sleeping

8 hours of sleep will help you perform at peak performance the following morning/day. There should not be an "all-nighter" pulled the night before the exam. Wake up in the morning of the exam and do something active. Cross-words, exercising, or reading books are great ways to prepare for an exam.

Be Your Brother's Keeper

Big brothers should know when their little brothers have exams and how they are managing their time. Study together and set goals as a chapter or small groups within your chapter. Does your chapter do anything to promote high academic achievements?


If you feel nervous when you take your test, take deep breaths and relax. The more you prepare and focus when you prepare the better you will do. 


More Tau Kappa Epsilon academic resources may be found here Here

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