2021-2022 Excellence Awards Criteria Updated

2021-2022 Excellence Awards Criteria Updated

INDIANAPOLIS - Today, Tau Kappa Epsilon announces updated criteria for Excellence Awards.

The criteria changes are tweaks to better clarify a few criteria of our awards. Notable changes for the 2021-2022 academic year include:

  • Education
    • At least one chapter member applies for TKE Leadership Academy (deadline is March 15);
    • Province Forum attendance is no longer required
  • Education (Honorable Mention) – Province Forum attendance is no longer required.
  • Alumni Engagement (Honorable Mention) – Adding verified Board of Advisors criteria which is part of the Excellence criteria.
  • Risk, Health and Safety
    • Lower criteria for educational sessions to one educational session related to health and safety. These can either be by campus or TKE HQ.
    • For housed chapters, the fire marshal and fire drill criteria have been removed.
  • Risk, Health and Safety (Honorable Mention) – Remove criteria for hosting an educational session.

The full Excellence Award criteria for the 2021-2022 academic year is outlined below.

Excellence in Recruitment - Results
  • Minimum of 20 initiates
  • 80% conversion rate 
  • All fees paid to the Offices of the Grand Chapter 
Honorable Mention in Recruitment - Results 
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND has initiated a minimum of 10 new members, AND has had a growth year in initiates, AND all membership fees are paid to OGC

Excellence in Recruitment - Chapter Size
  • Top three on campus or top 15% in TKE Nation
  • Minimum of 40 member chapter
Honorable Mention in Recruitment - Chapter Size 
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND has had a growth year in chapter size, AND has chapter size of at minimum 35 members

Excellence in Involvement - Community Service/Philanthropy

  • Chapter organized a minimum of one service project per semester
  • Fundraised $100+ per member average
  • Averaged 20+ hours per member
  • Online community service can be counted as community service hours
Honorable Mention in Involvement - Community Service/Philanthropy 
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, BUT holds a minimum of one service project in academic year, AND average $75+ per member, AND average 15+ hrs per member

Excellence in Involvement - Alumni Engagement
  • Verified Board of Advisors, to include: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer in TKE Chapter Module. Each position should be filled by at least three different people.
  • Verified Chapter Advisor
  • Held three alumni events per academic year with attendance submitted in the Chapter Module (Online alumni events can be counted)
  • Active communication method with Alumni (3 or more newsletters sent during academic year and/or active social media page/group)
Honorable Mention in Involvement - Alumni Engagement
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND has an updated Chapter Advisor and Verified Board of Advisors, to include: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer in TKE Chapter Module. Each position should be filled by at least three different people, AND 2 or more alumni events with attendance submitted in the Chapter Module, AND active communication with alumni (2 newsletters during academic year, active social media page/group).

Excellence in Achievement - Academic Success
  • GPA must be at or above the All-Men's GPA on campus
  • Semester GPA must be above 3.00, it can be previous fall semester if spring GPA has not been released
Honorable Mention in Achievement - Academic Success
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND has a semester GPA above 2.75

Excellence in Achievement - Education
  • TKE Conference attendance with
  • 12+ attendees OR 10%+ of membership at RLC (based on 12/31 roster including initiates and remaining candidates), minimum of 4 attendees
  • Representation at Conclave, if applicable
  • At least one chapter member applies for TKE Leadership Academy (deadline is March 15);
Honorable Mention in Achievement - Education
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND attendance at all educational conferences available that academic year (RLC, Conclave) with minimum of 4 total attendees.

Excellence in Achievement - St. Jude

  • Chapter raised over $5,000 as reported by St. Jude toward TKE's commitment
Honorable Mention in Achievement - St. Jude 
  • Honorable Mention will be for any chapter/colony who does not meet all criteria for excellence award, AND raised at least $2,500 for St Jude

Excellence in Achievement - Risk, Health and Safety 
There are two categories: Housed and Non-Housed Chapters.
  • The Chapter has completed 100% eCompliance for all members and candidates.
  • The Chapter had no risk-incidents or policy violations during this fiscal year or has completed all outcomes from any risk incidents or policy violations during this fiscal year.
  • The chapter hosted one educational session related to health and safety during the fiscal year with greater than 80%-chapter attendance. Qualifying sessions include any Fraternal Health and Safety Initiative program and/or other campus based program focused on reducing risk and promoting health and safety of members and guests. This can be a program from TKEHQ or from college or university.
Honorable Mention in Risk, Health and Safety:
  • The Chapter has completed 100% eCompliance for all members and candidates.
  • The Chapter had no risk-incidents or policy violations during this fiscal year or has completed all outcomes from any risk incidents or policy violations during this fiscal year.

Top TKE Chapter
Eligibility for a Top TKE Chapter award is as follows:
  • Earn either Excellence in Recruitment - Results OR Excellence in Recruitment - Chapter Size
  • Meet the requirements for at least five of eight Excellence Awards
Top TKE Chapters are selected on an overall evaluation of the chapter which include items such as risk and finance. Meeting the above criteria only makes a chapter eligible for receiving this recognition and does not automatically guarantee winning a Top TKE Chapter award.

Chapters and colonies that don't meet the minimum requirements for an Excellence Award can still apply for an Honorable Mention Award.

Top Teke Individual
This award is presented to a senior or graduate student for outstanding performance as a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. The application must include an official copy of transcripts, resume, and a high quality head-and-shoulders photograph for publication in THE TEKE magazine. 

Top TKE Recruit
This award is presented to an active collegiate member of a chapter that has achieved extraordinary recruitment results. The nominee does not need to have been recruitment chair during the current fiscal year. The application must highlight how this individual's membership recruitment skills are worthy of distinction amongst TKE Nation.

Sustained Growth Award

This award recognizes groups who have had three years of initiate growth.

Recruitment Dedication Award

This award recognizes groups who have had ten or more individuals become Certified Recruiters through PhiredUp.

For more information, please contact:

Alex D. Baker
Technology & Communications Consultant
317-872-6533 ext.


The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.