Frater Andrew Solt Elected Collegiate Advisory Committee Chairman

Frater Andrew Solt Elected Collegiate Advisory Committee Chairman

Frater Andrew Solt (Rho, West Virginia) has been elected Chairman of the Collegiate Advisory Committee. Frater Solt was selected by his peers for this critical responsibility in our Fraternity. He represents the nearly 9,000 collegiate members on our campuses across North America. In this role he will serve as a voting member of the Grand Council. 

Andrew is a Reed College of Media Ambassador, works for WVU Athletics Video and works at the Student Recreation Center as a Head Life Guard. At West Virginia University, he is in the process of obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism with the plan to obtain a Master’s degree in Journalism or Sport Management after graduation.

Andrew is a certified Phired Up recruiter and served as Prytanis of his home chapter. He attended the New York/New Jersey Regional Leadership Conference, 61st Conclave in Houston and graduated from Leadership Academy XXXV in 2022.

 Upon his hiring Frater Andrew shared, “It is a privilege and honor to serve the Fraternity for this biennium. We are the group that can help change Greek Life as a whole. It is our commitment to each other and the Fraternity that will bring us together to help create this change. We must continue to shoot for the moon and build up the best Fraternity in the world, Tau Kappa Epsilon."

On behalf of TKE Nation, we congratulate Drew on this dynamic opportunity to shape the future of TKE. 

For more information, please contact:

Cierra Johnson

317-872-6533 ext.


The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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