The Key to Recruitment

The Key to Recruitment

The first half of the year is almost over and finals are right around the corner. Several groups across the TKE Nation have reported strong recruitment numbers thus far. Whether your group is among the top performing or you have deferred recruitment, the key to any chapter or colony is its members. How can you help your group grow and be one of the top in all of TKE Nation?

Make a Prospect List
Your chapter should keep a running file containing the names, addresses, cell phone, and email address of all prospects that you identify. Update and expand this list as the year continues. Several methods can be used to identify prospects for this file:

  • Fraternity Forum - This is an activity conducted on many campuses by the IFC. If your system is having a Fraternity Forum, ensure that you are prepared. Set up a table that displays the many facets of membership in TKE, make sure that the table is always well-manned, train members in the skills of conversation that they will need when working at the table, and be sure to get contact information for prospective members.
  • Recommendations - Ask professors, coaches, deans, and sorority women for names of students that they think would make good Fraternity members. When you get these names, you also get an easy introduction - simply tell the prospective member that he was recommended by the Professor or Coach as a potential Fraternity member.
  • Residence Hall Lists - The name, telephone number, and year in school of students are usually contained on these lists, and may be available through the residential life office.
  • Incoming Student List - This list of new students can be very helpful and may be available from the admissions office.
  • Student Directories - An excellent resource for names, hometowns and other information.
  • Alumni - Fraternity alumni can often identify new men on campus who may be interested in joining your chapter.
  • Information Table - During registration or the first few weeks of school, man a table at the student center. Take down names of prospects that stop by or indicate interest.
  • General Functions - Your chapter can sponsor a contest, social activity, or campus event. Have a sign-in book to get the names of all who attend.
  • Classes - All of your Fraters attend classes with unaffiliated men who may join a Fraternity. Classes are easy places to start conversations and make friends with potential Tekes.
  • IFC List - On many campuses the IFC will provide all fraternities with a list of freshmen and other men who are interested in joining fraternities. Do not rely on this list to be your only list.
  • Friends - Have all chapter members sit down and come up with a list of friends or men they know who are possible recruits. Ask each Frater to submit at least three names.
Even if you don't have deferred recruitment, all of this information can be useful. Why, you may ask? If everyone thinks that the Spring semester is a dead time to recruit men to join - you have the upper hand. If all other fraternities are satisfied with their Fall class of men, great! You have no competition. Get out there and get the leaders the other fraternities passed over. 

Need Recruitment Supplies? Order them now.

Need Recruitment Help? Head over to the Recruitment Pages or contact us.

Be sure to follow the latest TKE News with the RSS Feed, on Twitter or the official TKE Facebook Fan Page (Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity). Submit your news today.    




The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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