Build Your Team, New Members

Build Your Team, New Members

Activities for RecruitmentAs you begin planning the next year’s recruitment and new member education, TKE has gathered the Top 20 activities that are free from hazing. These come from a variety of resources including our insurance company, Willis HRH, and the various TKE social networks. Do you have some additions? Email us.

1. Incorporate teambuilding activities into the regular meetings of the new member class and solicit the participation from the chapter leadership.
2. Develop a community volunteer service project for the chapter to be performed on a regular basis.
3. Sponsor/ host a career skill development and planning workshop OR Sponsor/ host a study skills workshop for the new members.
4. Have a discussion facilitated by a chapter advisor, Fraternity representative or chapter officer in relation to the values and purpose of the organization.
5. Host an alumnus speaker(s) each week for formal dinner and/or chapter meeting.
6. Invite the Greek Affairs advisor to speak about the resources available from his/her office.
7. Have each shadow an officer of the chapter and assist in the planning/execution of a program/event.
8. Plan and execute a fundraiser to help offset initiation cost and membership fees.
9. Host a father’s/ mother’s/ family weekend.
10. Ask a representative from the Headquarters and/or volunteer staff to provide a presentation or information on available programs and resources.
11. Host a certified instructor to administer CPR and First Aid certification.
12. Develop an academic incentive program for new members and the entire chapter membership.
13. Participate and attend regional/ intenational leadership programming of the Fraternity (RLC, Conclave, etc.) OR Participate and attend local leadership programming of the University/College.
14. Identify a chapter gift for the University/College and begin to allocate the proper budgeting.
15. Visit the International Headquarters as a chapter and/or new member class.
16. Meet with local alumni to learn of their experience and speak of the current happenings of the chapter .
17. Host/sponsor a faculty recognition dinner.
18. Create and develop an event with a non-Greek organization on campus.
19. Host/sponsor a financial advisor to discuss credit and personal finances AND/ OR host/sponsor a domestic abuse speaker with another organization on campus.

20. Develop and create an alternative spring break program for all members.

For more ideas, please contact us. Be sure to follow the latest TKE News with the RSS Feed, on Twitter or the official TKE Facebook Fan Page (Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity). Submit your news today.




The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.

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