Xi-Lambda Reunion

Xi-Lambda Reunion

When: October 8, 2023 from 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern

Where: Steve and Laura Edwards' Home
6225 Arnall Ct
Acworth, GA 30101

This is our third reunion for the early generation of Xi-Lambda Tekes. Steve and Laura Edwards will be hosting a party at their home on Sunday October 8 for those with scroll numbers 350ish and below. Younger Tekes who are interested in hosting something for their generation can contact Jim Grey (Xi-Lambda #116) and/or Chris Niles at hq for ideas and support. 

Please help us track everyone down, and you can find out about all those brothers that you have lost contact with and are wondering, "What happened to them". Go to www.georgiatkealum.com to sign up and send us your info. There is a small cost for our website; whatever you can give to help cover that is appreciated.

If you have any questions, feel free to call Steve (229-402-1122) or contact Jim Grey (845-464-1747; rtpmoney@aol.com)


Cost Of Attending: Free

Age Restriction: N/A

Who's Invited: Alumni Scrolls 1-350, Family, and Friends

Registration/RSVP Details: Call Steve (229-402-1122)

For more information, please contact:

James Grey