Area of Greatest Need

Annual support helps bridge the gap between the experiences made possible from membership dues and the realities of educational and leadership expenses. Unrestricted annual donations are used to fund grants to the Fraternity, operating costs, and the leadership programs that make our brotherhood unique.

Support the Annual Fund online, by phone, or mail.

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The TKE Foundation was originally founded to support the highest demand the Fraternity places on its collegiate members – scholastic achievement.

Nearly 60 years after its establishment, the TKE Foundation remains committed to the academic success of our young Fraters.

Each year, the Foundation grants more than $80,000 in scholarships.

The Foundation supports three types of scholarships:

  1. Grand Chapter Scholarships: The Grand Chapter offers scholarships to qualifying Tekes from across the Fraternity. The scholarship recipient is selected by the Scholarship Committee of the Foundation board based on criteria set-forth by the donor.
  2. Chapter Scholarships: Each chapter has a scholarship fund dedicated to supporting its members. Scholarship criteria is set, and the scholarship recipient is selected, by the chapter’s board of advisor or volunteer committee.
  3. Regional or Area-Based Scholarships: Donors can help young men in their communities to become their best selves through TKE. Scholarship criteria is set, and the scholarship recipient is selected, by a committee of regional/area-based alumni volunteers.

Support an existing scholarship by making a gift today.

Contact the Foundation at 317-872-6533 ext. 246 to learn more about existing scholarships or to establish a new scholarship.

Establish a New Scholarship

Fraters and friends may establish and name endowed scholarships or funds in accordance with a donor’s wishes through gifts of $10,000 or more. These funds are held in perpetuity to honor the legacy of the gift and the donor, and can provide a consistent source of income for the Fraternity.

The amount of the award will be determined annually by the TKE Foundation Board of Directors and will be based upon the percentage of the fund’s earnings the past year. Contributions may be added to the fund at any time to increase the corpus. Any excess earnings not awarded for scholarships will be reinvested in the fund.

Contact the Foundation at 317-872-6533 ext. 246 to establish a scholarship or fund.

Leadership Funds (Educational)

The chapter Leadership Funds are an opportunity for Fraters to give back to the chapter that helped make them who they are today.

Funds may be used for educational purposes including the TKE Leadership Academy, Regional Leadership Conferences and Conclave.

Support a Leadership Fund.

Special Projects Funds (Housing)

The chapter Special Project Funds are an opportunity for Fraters to give back to the chapter that helped make them who they are today.

Funds may be used for educational related housing projects. These funds need to be established with the TKE Foundation prior to a contribution being made. Please contact for more details.

Support a special project fund.

Leadership Academy

Named in honor of one of our most distinguished, loyal and generous Fraters, the Charles R. Walgreen Jr., TKE Leadership Academy is TKE's premier leadership training program for young Fraters preparing for the challenges of leadership - in their chapters, on their campuses and in their communities.

For over 20 years, participating Tekes travel from across the U.S. and Canada for the opportunity to bond with other promising young leaders, learn from expert instructors, and gain new understanding of their own leadership potential. Many find the Academy a defining moment in their lives.

In 2014, Frater Elmer Smith (Mu-Sigma, Morehead State) presented the Fraternity and fellow Fraters with a $1 million challenge in support of the Leadership Academy.

Elmer believes in the leadership development of our young men, and completing the match would ensure future generations of Tekes can continue to benefit from this transformative leadership experience. In 2020, we announced the completion of the match. This historic achievement would not be possible without the commitment of over 600 donors contributing more than 1,700 gifts. Thank you for empowering TKE to give more young Fraters this transformational experience!

Better Men for a Better World Courtyard

The Better Men for a Better World Courtyard is a way for Fraters to permanently display their loyalty to TKE. Personalized bricks and other items can be added to the courtyard located at the Fraternity’s International Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. The courtyard is always open and publicly visible for all who come to our headquarters.

The courtyard honors our most hallowed values: Love, Charity, and Esteem; and it is an amazing opportunity for others to honor and recognition the Tekes in their lives.

Learn more about the Better Men for a Better World Courtyard and order a brick.

Locate Your Brick in the Better Men for a Better World Courtyard