What Does It Mean To Volunteer

Being a volunteer in TKE has expectations of leadership and coaching of our collegiate chapters.

Board of Advisors

The primary role of the Board of Advisors, Chapter Advisor, and Faculty Advisor, is to advise the chapter. It is best to take a pro-active stance in working with the chapter, which can be accomplished by meeting regularly, requesting minutes from chapter meetings, receiving reports from chapter officers, and then acting to encourage continued improvement. One of the best measures of improvement is the Key Result Area Scorecard, located in the TKE Chapter Module. This evaluation is normally conducted annually by an official representative of the Fraternity, whose visitation reports can be found in the TKE Chapter Module.

One of the most important BOA functions is to prevent possible problems from developing in the chapter. Keeping an eye on the calendar and deadlines will help keep the chapter focused. Chapters often run into difficulty when the BOA does very little with the chapter until a major problem exists. An active and interested BOA is an essential element in all successful chapters of TKE.

Chapter Advisors

The Chapter Advisor must establish and maintain a close relationship with the chapter, and be seen as a mentor, and friend. Being a friend of the chapter is the basis for success as Chapter Advisor. Friend here means one who has gained the respect and confidence of the undergraduate chapter. Fraters should feel free to approach you for guidance in any matter, personal or fraternal.

Without respect and friendship, your relationship with the chapter may become strained and unproductive. Remember, friendship is more than simply being liked. Occasionally, you may have to act or take a stand on a particular issue that the chapter won't like. Strive to be liked by the chapter, but it's more important to be respected.

A Chapter Advisor does not operate the chapter, but rather helps the chapter become self-sufficient. To be truly helpful to the chapter, you must void doing things that they should be doing for themselves. The Fraters will learn more when they take your suggestions and act on them for themselves. This will also nurture a positive Advisor-Chapter relationship.

Chapter leadership changes annually, so the Chapter Advisor is the key individual who provides the continuity that keeps the chapter on the road to success. You will know of the past pitfalls and blunders made in chapter projects, and can draw on these experiences to avoid repeating past mistakes. In this sense, the Chapter Advisor is the stabilizing force in the progression toward chapter goals.

Alumni Association Officers

Alumni associations exist to support and energize the relationships among alumni Fraters. Chapter-based groups focus on connecting the alumni across the generations of their own scroll regardless of where they are on the map. Some groups have many of their alumni still concentrated near the campus or in one or two primary metro areas and may be able to sponsor more regular events. Other groups’ alumni may be widely scattered across the country and beyond; they may host fewer events and focus on one or two signature events each year. Either way, chapter-based groups should focus heavily on connectivity and communication with all of their alumni. Given that their membership all live within a defined metro area or region of the state, area-based groups can often create a more robust schedule and mix of events. Area- and chapter-based groups can co-exist and should not be considered in competition or at odds. Area groups can still support events that are primarily for men from a particular chapter, and chapter groups can invite additional area Tekes to their events.

Province Advisors

Province Advisors serve as members of the volunteer team supporting all groups in a province under the leadership of the Grand Province Advisor. Province Advisors provide an additional layer of support and fraternal connectivity for campus groups and local volunteers. A Province Advisor might be assigned to work directly with one or more groups and/or may serve as a specialist who provides coaching and support in a particular area of operational focus.

Province Advisors are primarily concerned with quality of the TKE experience and the sustainability of TKE’s presence throughout the province. Success in this role is measured by the performance and growth of campus groups and the development of collegiate and volunteer leadership throughout the Province. Province Advisors are recommended by the Grand Province Advisor and appointed by the CEO. Province Advisors are expected to participate in a performance review and to reassert their commitment to the role annually.


Communication & Engagement
  • Participate in a monthly call hosted by the Grand Province Advisor
  • Make effective use of a mix of communication channels to establish and maintain working relationships with other volunteers and with collegiate officers
  • Maintain at least monthly contact with assigned groups
  • Keep GPA updated regarding groups and refer concerns to GPA and staff as appropriate
  • Attend Province Forums and Province planning meetings
Coaching & Development
  • Support Province visitation plan ensuring at least one official volunteer visit per group per semester
  • Advise and support efforts so that all groups achieve minimum standards
  • Support tracking and annual completion of eCompliance by all collegiates
  • Assist GPA with volunteer recruitment efforts


  • Attend at least one in-person TKE sponsored program annually
  • Make an annual donation to Life Loyal Teke (expected of all new PAs as of 2021)


  • Participation/Attendance on monthly team calls
  • Number and duration of volunteer and collegiate officer vacancies
  • Usage of Chapter Module and other internal systems
    • Logged visits
  • Achievement of chapter minimum standards
    • Every chapter must have at least 20 men
    • All chapters must be current (less than 90 days A/R) on financials to the Fraternity
    • All chapters must achieve at least 60% of their Key Result Area goals
  • Membership/growth trends year over year
  • Chapter KRA Scores
    • eCompliance completion
    • Positive growth in attendance/participation of TKE Educational Programs
Learn More

Grand Province Advisors

The Grand Province Advisor is the lead volunteer for a province who works in conjunction with the Professional Staff. He is primarily concerned with building, leading, and maintaining an effective volunteer team to support the vitality and growth of groups in the Province.

Success in this role is measured by the growth and development of volunteers under the charge of the GPA and of the TKE groups in the Province. GPA’s are expected to be at least 25 years old and, after being appointed by the CEO, are expected to participate in a performance review and to reassert their commitment to the role annually.


Volunteer Recruitment
  • Province Advisors
    • Minimum of three active PA’s for Provinces with six or fewer groups
    • Minimum of five active PA’s for Provinces with more than six groups
  • Team Leaders
    • One Province Advisor identified as peer lead/team captain.
    • One Chapter Advisor or former Chapter Advisor identified as peer lead/team captain.
  • Succession/Sustainability
    • One volunteer identified and coached as probable successor to the current Grand Province Advisor
Communication & Engagement
  • Participate in two monthly calls hosted by TKE Professional Staff (international, regional)
  • Host two monthly team calls (one with Province Advisors, one with Chapter Advisors)
  • Make effective use of a mix of communication channels to establish and maintain positive working relationships with staff, volunteers and collegiates.
  • Keep Professional Staff updated regarding groups and refer concerns as appropriate
  • Attend Regional Planning Conferences
Support & Development
  • Coordinate at least one official visit per group per semester by a member of the volunteer team
  • Coordinate one or more Forums annually designed for participation by all groups in the Province
  • Coordinate team advising and support efforts so that all groups achieve minimum standards
  • Coordinate team efforts for tracking and annual completion of eCompliance by all collegiates


  • Attend at least one in-person TKE sponsored program annually
  • Make an annual donation to Life Loyal Teke (expected of all new GPAs as of 2021)


  • Number and duration of volunteer vacancies
  • Participation/Attendance on monthly team calls
  • Usage of Chapter Module and other internal systems
    • Logged visits
  • Achievement of chapter minimum standards
    • Every chapter must have at least 20 men
    • All chapters must be current (less than 90 days A/R) on financials to the Fraternity
    • All chapters must achieve at least 60% of their Key Result Area goals
  • Membership/growth trends year over year
  • Chapter KRA Scores
    • eCompliance completion
    • Positive growth in attendance/participation of TKE Educational Programs
Learn How

Foundation Ambassadors

Membership as a Foundation Ambassador is open to anyone who chooses to play a role in advancing the TKE Foundation and willingly shares their treasure to support its efforts.  Criteria for becoming an Ambassador are: an enthusiasm for TKE and belief in the mission of the TKE Foundation; a desire to communicate with other members ways of engagement and opportunities for support; and are willing to give back so that others can benefit from the efforts of the Foundation. If you have any questions or inquiries about this program please contact TKE Foundation.