2021-2022 TKE Award Winners
INDIANAPOLIS - The Offices of the Grand Chapter is excited to announce the 2021-2022 Individual and Chapter Award Winners.
We would like to recognize those Fraters and groups who made a significant impact in TKE Nation this past year. Though we faced many challenges, TKE Nation achieved much that we can be proud of. Our Fraters rose to meet those challenges and many individuals and groups rise above and reach new heights.
"On behalf of the International Headquarters of Tau Kappa Epsilon, I want to congratulate all of our 2021-2022 Award Winners," said Chief Executive Officer Donald E. Aldrich. "These chapters and individual Fraters elevated themselves above their peers due to their dedication, innovation, and commitment to achieving their goals. Additionally, the superior performances of these groups fosters a positive impact on their campuses and communities. Thank you to the alumni, volunteers, and advisors who worked tirelessly and gave selflessly to make these honors a reality. Tau Kappa Epsilon’s future remains bright due to groups such as these that live and advance our mission!"
Below are all of the 2021-2022 Chapter and Individual Award Winners.
Top TKE Chapters
- Epsilon - Iowa State University
- Lambda - University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Chi - University of Washington
- Beta-Zeta - Louisiana Tech University
- Beta-Eta - Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Beta-Omega - Missouri State University
- Epsilon-Eta - Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Epsilon-Kappa - Loyola University Chicago
- Epsilon-Omicron - University of Houston
- Zeta-Mu - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Iota-Beta - Susquehanna University
- Iota-Kappa - Clarkson University
- Mu-Omicron - Tennessee Technological University
- Xi-Omega - Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- Rho-Rho - Sam Houston State University
- Upsilon-Gamma - University of Minnesota Duluth
100% KRA Award
- Beta - Millikin University
- Iota - Eureka College
- Lambda - University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Alpha-Alpha - Wabash College
- Beta-Zeta - Louisiana Tech University
- Beta-Eta - Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Rho - University of Akron
- Gamma-Upsilon - University of Texas at Austin
- Delta-Zeta - Southeast Missouri State University
- Delta-Omicron Colony - Central Michigan University
- Epsilon-Eta - Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Epsilon-Omicron - University of Houston
- Zeta-Beta - University of Evansville
- Zeta-Delta - Alma College
- Zeta-Mu - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Theta-Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento
- Iota-Beta - Susquehanna University
- Iota-Kappa - Clarkson University
- Lambda-Gamma - University of Cincinnati
- Lambda-Zeta - Troy University
- Mu-Gamma - Midwestern State University
- Mu-Omicron - Tennessee Technological University
- Xi-Iota - University of Central Florida
- Xi-Tau - Lyon College
- Xi-Omega - Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- Rho-Epsilon - Northwood University
- Rho-Rho - Sam Houston State University
- Tau-Zeta - Western Connecticut State University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Upsilon-Gamma - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Upsilon-Iota - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Most Improved Chapter
- Pi-Epsilon - Christian Brothers University
Most Improved Recruiting Chapter
- Xi-Iota - University of Central Florida
Top Recruiting Chapter
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
Top Tekes
- Justin Barnhard - Tau-Theta, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Jake Howell - Rho-Rho, Sam Houston State University
- Clay Keene - Beta-Lambda, Auburn University
- Chris Mills - Upsilon-Kappa, Trent University
Top TKE Recruiter
- Cole Conner - Epsilon-Omicron, University of Houston
Last year, TKE introduced the Sustained Growth Award and the Recruitment Dedication Award. In recognition of three straight years of initiate growth, chapters received the Sustained Growth award.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Recruitment Dedication award is given to groups in recognition of their efforts to go above and beyond. These groups cultivated the highest number of members with recruitment training through the Phired Up training program.
Recruitment Dedication Award
- Epsilon - Iowa State University
- Omicron Colony - The Ohio State University
- Pi - Pennsylvania State University
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Chi - University of Washington
- Alpha-Xi - Drake University
- Alpha-Chi - University of Louisville
- Beta-Epsilon - Trine University
- Beta-Eta - Missouri University of Science and Technology
- Epsilon-Eta - Southwestern Oklahoma State University
- Epsilon-Omicron - University of Houston
- Zeta-Beta - University of Evansville
- Zeta-Mu - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Theta-Lambda - Widener University
- Theta-Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento
- Iota-Beta - Susquehanna University
- Lambda-Iota - Florida State University
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Mu-Beta - Eastern Kentucky University
- Xi-Iota - University of Central Florida
- Omicron-Sigma - Indiana University Southeast
- Pi-Eta - Texas A & M University
- Pi-Theta - University of Texas at San Antonio
- Pi-Lambda - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Rho-Epsilon - Northwood University
- Rho-Rho - Sam Houston State University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Tau-Lambda - Kean University
- Upsilon-Gamma - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Upsilon-Iota - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Sustained Growth Award
- Iota - Eureka College
- Alpha-Omicron - New Mexico State University
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
- Gamma-Omicron - University of Virginia
- Delta-Gamma - University of Connecticut
- Delta-Lambda - University of Central Missouri
- Epsilon-Omicron - University of Houston
- Zeta-Nu - Valdosta State University
- Zeta-Phi - Rollins College
- Kappa-Tau - University of Arizona
- Lambda-Zeta - Troy University
- Lambda-Iota - Florida State University
- Mu-Gamma - Midwestern State University
- Omicron-Upsilon - York College of Pennsylvania
- Pi-Xi - University of California, San Diego
- Rho-Rho - Sam Houston State University
- Sigma-Lambda - Northeastern State University
- Tau-Delta - New Jersey City University
- Upsilon-Gamma - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Upsilon-Theta - University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Additionally, Tau Kappa Epsilon awards Excellence Awards to groups for Excellence in Recruitment Results, Chapter Size, St. Jude, Education, Academic Success, Alumni Relations, and Community Service.
Excellence in Recruitment - Results
- Gamma Colony - University of Illinois
- Nu - University of California, Berkeley
- Omicron Colony - The Ohio State University
- Pi - Pennsylvania State University
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Alpha-Omicron - New Mexico State University
- Alpha-Pi - George Washington University
- Alpha-Rho - University of Rhode Island
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Rho - University of Akron
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
- Beta-Phi - Louisiana State University
- Gamma-Delta Colony - University of Miami
- Delta-Xi - Miami University
- Delta-Omicron Colony - Central Michigan University
- Zeta-Phi - Rollins College
- Lambda-Eta - University of Iowa
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Nu-Eta - Boise State University
- Omicron-Pi - Baylor University
Excellence in Recruitment - Chapter Size
- Nu - University of California, Berkeley
- Pi - Pennsylvania State University
- Alpha-Omicron - New Mexico State University
- Alpha-Rho - University of Rhode Island
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Pi - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Beta-Rho - University of Akron
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
- Beta-Phi - Louisiana State University
- Delta-Gamma - University of Connecticut
- Delta-Xi - Miami University
- Zeta-Phi - Rollins College
- Theta-Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento
- Kappa-Tau - University of Arizona
- Lambda-Eta - University of Iowa
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Nu-Eta - Boise State University
- Nu-Phi - Duquesne University
- Xi-Iota - University of Central Florida
Excellence in Achievement - St. Jude
- Omicron Colony - The Ohio State University
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Pi - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Beta-Rho - University of Akron
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
- Gamma-Delta Colony - University of Miami
- Delta-Zeta - Southeast Missouri State University
- Delta-Psi - North Dakota State University
- Zeta-Delta - Alma College
- Zeta-Phi - Rollins College
- Theta-Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Mu-Gamma - Midwestern State University
- Nu-Eta - Boise State University
- Omicron-Sigma - Indiana University Southeast
- Pi-Epsilon - Christian Brothers University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Upsilon-Iota - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Excellence in Achievement - Education
- Beta - Millikin University
- Iota - Eureka College
- Omicron Colony - The Ohio State University
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Omega - Albion College
- Alpha-Alpha - Wabash College
- Alpha-Delta - University of Idaho
- Alpha-Xi - Drake University
- Alpha-Pi - George Washington University
- Alpha-Rho - University of Rhode Island
- Alpha-Chi - University of Louisville
- Beta-Beta - North Carolina State University
- Beta-Gamma Colony - Oklahoma State University
- Beta-Epsilon - Trine University
- Beta-Pi - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Beta-Rho - University of Akron
- Gamma-Delta Colony - University of Miami
- Gamma-Rho - Indiana State University
- Gamma-Upsilon - University of Texas at Austin
- Delta-Epsilon - Cleveland State University
- Delta-Zeta - Southeast Missouri State University
- Delta-Lambda - University of Central Missouri
- Delta-Nu - Northwest Missouri State University
- Delta-Omicron Colony - Central Michigan University
- Delta-Pi - Eastern Michigan University
- Epsilon-Xi - Shepherd University
- Zeta-Beta - University of Evansville
- Zeta-Delta - Alma College
- Zeta-Lambda - Bowling Green State University
- Zeta-Pi - Culver-Stockton College
- Theta-Iota - Northern Michigan University
- Theta-Lambda - Widener University
- Theta-Omicron - Adrian College
- Theta-Rho - St. Cloud State University
- Theta-Upsilon - California State University, Sacramento
- Iota-Delta Colony - Southern Oregon University
- Iota-Pi - Kent State University
- Lambda-Gamma - University of Cincinnati
- Lambda-Zeta - Troy University
- Lambda-Iota - Florida State University
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Mu-Gamma - Midwestern State University
- Mu-Nu - University of Wisconsin-Platteville
- Mu-Omega - George Mason University
- Nu-Mu - University of South Alabama
- Nu-Xi - Stephen F. Austin State University
- Nu-Phi - Duquesne University
- Xi-Gamma - New York Institute of Technology
- Xi-Theta - University of West Georgia
- Xi-Iota - University of Central Florida
- Xi-Tau - Lyon College
- Xi-Upsilon - Rochester Institute of Technology
- Xi-Chi - Kennesaw State University
- Omicron-Nu - Florida Institute of Technology
- Omicron-Xi - University of Alabama
- Omicron-Sigma - Indiana University Southeast
- Pi-Beta - Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
- Pi-Epsilon - Christian Brothers University
- Pi-Theta - University of Texas at San Antonio
- Pi-Iota - University of Nevada, Reno
- Pi-Lambda - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Pi-Mu - Pi-Mu
- Pi-Omicron - Northern Kentucky University
- Rho-Beta - Michigan State University
- Rho-Epsilon - Northwood University
- Rho-Upsilon - Franklin College
- Rho-Chi - Lebanon Valley College
- Sigma-Epsilon - State University of New York - Oneonta
- Sigma-Theta - Saint Leo University
- Sigma-Kappa - Merrimack College
- Sigma-Xi - St. Norbert College
- Sigma-Chi - University of California, Davis
- Sigma-Psi - Clemson University
- Tau-Delta - New Jersey City University
- Tau-Zeta - Western Connecticut State University
- Tau-Eta - Southern Connecticut State University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Tau-Lambda - Kean University
- Tau-Nu - Shawnee State University
- Upsilon-Alpha - Spring Hill College
- Upsilon-Delta - Saginaw Valley State University
- Upsilon-Eta - University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Upsilon-Theta - University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Upsilon-Iota - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Upsilon-Kappa - Trent University
- Upsilon-Mu - New York Institute of Technology-Manhattan
- Upsilon-Upsilon - Farmingdale State College
- Upsilon-Chi - St. Francis College
- Upsilon-Psi - California State University-East Bay
- Phi-Alpha - University of Alaska
Excellence in Achievement - Risk, Health and Safety
- Beta-Gamma Colony - Oklahoma State University
- Zeta-Lambda - Bowling Green State University
- Theta-Lambda - Widener University
- Mu-Xi - California State University, Fullerton
- Mu-Omega - George Mason University
- Omicron-Sigma - Indiana University Southeast
- Omicron-Upsilon - York College of Pennsylvania
- Pi-Mu - Pi-Mu
- Tau-Zeta - Western Connecticut State University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Upsilon-Delta - Saginaw Valley State University
- Upsilon-Kappa - Trent University
Excellence in Achievement - Academic Success
- Beta - Millikin University
- Iota - Eureka College
- Pi - Pennsylvania State University
- Rho Colony - West Virginia University
- Omega - Albion College
- Alpha-Alpha - Wabash College
- Alpha-Delta - University of Idaho
- Alpha-Xi - Drake University
- Alpha-Pi - George Washington University
- Beta-Beta - North Carolina State University
- Beta-Gamma Colony - Oklahoma State University
- Beta-Epsilon - Trine University
- Beta-Lambda - Auburn University
- Beta-Sigma - University of Southern California
- Beta-Phi - Louisiana State University
- Gamma-Delta Colony - University of Miami
- Gamma-Eta Colony - Idaho State University
- Delta-Gamma - University of Connecticut
- Delta-Zeta - Southeast Missouri State University
- Delta-Xi - Miami University
- Delta-Omicron Colony - Central Michigan University
- Epsilon-Xi - Shepherd University
- Zeta-Pi - Culver-Stockton College
- Zeta-Phi - Rollins College
- Theta-Lambda - Widener University
- Theta-Omicron - Adrian College
- Theta-Pi Colony - California State University, Chico
- Iota-Delta Colony - Southern Oregon University
- Iota-Theta - Centenary College of Louisiana
- Iota-Pi - Kent State University
- Kappa-Nu Colony - Rockhurst University
- Lambda-Psi Colony - East Carolina University
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Mu-Omega - George Mason University
- Nu-Mu - University of South Alabama
- Nu-Xi - Stephen F. Austin State University
- Nu-Phi - Duquesne University
- Xi-Gamma - New York Institute of Technology
- Xi-Upsilon - Rochester Institute of Technology
- Xi-Chi - Kennesaw State University
- Omicron-Pi - Baylor University
- Omicron-Upsilon - York College of Pennsylvania
- Pi-Epsilon - Christian Brothers University
- Rho-Omega Colony - University of South Carolina
- Sigma-Epsilon - State University of New York - Oneonta
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Tau-Nu - Shawnee State University
- Tau-Phi - University of Pittsburgh
Excellence in Involvement - Alumni Relations
- Beta-Pi - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Zeta-Beta - University of Evansville
- Zeta-Pi - Culver-Stockton College
- Theta-Iota - Northern Michigan University
- Mu-Alpha - West Chester University
- Xi-Theta - University of West Georgia
- Rho-Epsilon - Northwood University
- Rho-Chi - Lebanon Valley College
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
Excellence in Involvement - Community Service
- Pi - Pennsylvania State University
- Alpha-Xi - Drake University
- Alpha-Pi - George Washington University
- Beta-Pi - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Delta-Omicron Colony - Central Michigan University
- Zeta-Delta - Alma College
- Zeta-Pi - Culver-Stockton College
- Theta-Lambda - Widener University
- Theta-Omicron - Adrian College
- Theta-Pi Colony - California State University, Chico
- Theta-Rho - St. Cloud State University
- Theta-Tau - Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Mu-Omega - George Mason University
- Nu-Mu - University of South Alabama
- Xi-Theta - University of West Georgia
- Omicron-Nu - Florida Institute of Technology
- Omicron-Sigma - Indiana University Southeast
- Pi-Epsilon - Christian Brothers University
- Rho-Epsilon - Northwood University
- Rho-Chi - Lebanon Valley College
- Tau-Zeta - Western Connecticut State University
- Tau-Theta - Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison
- Tau-Phi - University of Pittsburgh
- Upsilon-Delta - Saginaw Valley State University
- Upsilon-Iota - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Upsilon-Kappa - Trent University
Congratulations to all of our 2021-2022 Award Winners!