Example Committees

Although your chapter may have other committees, here is a list of the committees that need to exist in your chapter.

  • Recruitment
  • Scholarship
  • Service or Philanthropy
  • Athletics
  • Social or Brotherhood
  • Membership Quality Board
  • Special Events (Homecoming, Red Carnation Ball, etc.)

Committee Guidelines

Committees allow for a more efficiently operated chapter and can help officers delegate responsibility. They also provide an opportunity for a Frater to get involved in the workings of his chapter. Here are a few basic guidelines:

  • Establish committee only if there is a definite need. Do not set up a committee for the sake of having a committee.
  • Give each committee responsibility.
  • The Epiprytanis is the supervisor for the committee system. He should periodically meet with committee chairmen and review goals.
  • Set an overall policy on committees:
    • Develop a written description of purpose and responsibilities of each committee before establishment.
    • Appoint a chairman and allow people to volunteer. Keep committee size to five or less.
    • At the first meeting, establish the committee's written goals and responsibilities with a copy sent to the Epiprytanis and the Grammateus.
    • Require weekly or monthly reports to the Executive Committee and weekly reports to the chapter.
    • Prepare a year-end written report and evaluation.

Keys to Effective Committees

Committees are the backbone of chapter operations, but effective committees don't just happen -- they are a combination of a good purpose, a good leader, and good committee members.


Ask yourself, what is the committee's role? Does it have a record of achievement? The establishment of clear, realistic goals will make your priorities known. This also gives members a clear sense of what they will be expected to contribute to the committee.

Committee Chairman

Carefully plan your agendas and meeting timetables to prevent last-minute changes. Give your members time to prepare for the meeting by distributing agendas in advance. Try not to dominate committee discussions. As a leader, you should help the committee maintain a focus while allowing members to express themselves even if their views are contrary to your own. Never permit name calling or hostile discussions.

When you assign tasks, set deadlines. Ask members to submit their information or completed task before the next meeting so you have a chance to prepare your feedback and follow-up suggestions.

Close committee meetings by summarizing major points and assignment deadlines. Minutes are a good way to inform members of deadlines and responsibilities. These should be distributed within a few days after the meeting. You may want to make additional follow-up phone calls one week prior to the deadline to see if unanswered questions are preventing the completion of the task. Adhering to established deadlines will help members take you more seriously.

Remember that recognition can go a long way in encouraging member loyalty and commitment. Acknowledge the committee's work through notes to both the workers and to the general organization. Appreciation will attract more people to your committees in the future.

Finally, remember to report regularly to the general organization. Repeating a summary of your committee's work will help to decrease controversy about your decisions and to increase support for committee activities. If you need help with an activity, you should warn the bigger group as soon as possible.

Committee Members

An optimal size for a committee is five to seven members. Members should be receptive to new ideas and other people's opinions. Work is accomplished in a committee when members understand their task and are able to focus on it creatively.

Seating arrangements for committees are important. Round or square tables that offer members a view of one another encourage open discussion and trust. Try to hold meetings in a central consistent location and make sure all members are notified of the time and place well in advance of the meeting.

Committee Meeting Agenda

If you need one, download a sample agenda for a typical committee meeting.