Chris P. McGeoghegan

Chris P. McGeoghegan

Tau Kappa Epsilon
7439 Woodland Drive Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46278
317-872-6533 EXT. 290

Associate Regional Director

University of Maine - Orono


As an Associate Regional Director (ARD), I am responsible for the growth and success of the chapters and emerging chapters in region 1. I’m on the road most of the year making visitations to ensure we have fully developed action plans for recruitment, education, finances, officer transitions, philanthropy, education and training in all of our chapters and colonies. I ensure our groups coincide with TKE’s mission of aiding men in mental, moral, and social development for life.

About Me

I was born and raised in Litchfield, Maine. I attended the University of Maine at Orono, where I got my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I initiated into TKE at the Beta-Upsilon chapter in the spring of 2017, where I served as Athletics Chairman, Hypophetes, and Prytanis. I have attended multiple Regional Leadership Conferences and Conclave 2022. I chose to come work for TKE HQ as an Expansion Coordinator because I know what TKE did for me. I would not be even half the man or the leader that I am today if I never found TKE, and I want to offer that same opportunity to as many college men as possible.

What I Like To Do in My Free Time

When I’m not working, you can find me rock climbing, running long distances, playing bass guitar, or spending quality time with my friends and family. My favorite place to be is out in nature with people that I care about.

Why You Should Contact Chris P. McGeoghegan

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