Fall 2017 Expansions Announcement

Fall 2017 Expansions Announcement

INDIANAPOLIS – The Offices of the Grand Chapter is proud to announce our two Fall 2017 expansions. Tau Kappa Epsilon will be returning to our Gamma chapter at University of Illinois and our Kappa-Tau chapter at University of Arizona. Since its founding in February 1912, Gamma has initiated nearly 1,900 men into TKE. Kappa-Tau was originally founded in January 1967 and has initiated more than 900 Fraters into the Bond.

Chief Executive Officer Donald E. Aldrich enthusiastically shared, “We are cannot wait to return to the University of Illinois and the University of Arizona this fall. These two campuses have a rich and diverse Greek community and TKE is honored to contribute to the success of both universities. Additionally, we look forward to the high quality men that Nick Kimble and Gabe Espinosa will recruit to rebuild these historic chapters.”

A few weeks ago, Frater Nick Kimble (Epsilon-Kappa, Loyola-Chicago) joined the TKE Professional Staff. Frater Nick will be overseeing the University of Illinois (Gamma) chapter expansion. Gamma closed in 2015 due to low membership.

Frater Gabe Espinosa (Beta-Xi) will be leading the charge at our University of Arizona (Kappa-Tau) expansion. The interest group has over 35 men already and the interest group president, Greg Ochser, just graduated from the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. TKE Leadership Academy XXXI. Kappa-Tau closed in 2012.

Tau Kappa Epsilon is currently seeking motivated, driven individuals ready for a life changing experience. If you are or you know a student attending either University of Illinois or University of Arizona, please recommend them to join Tau Kappa Epsilon at www.tke.org/join.

For more information, please contact:

Alex D. Baker
Technology & Communications Consultant
317-872-6533 ext.

The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.