National Volunteer Month - Recognizing Benchmark Years of Service
In honor of National Volunteer Month, the Offices of the Grand Chapter would like to recognize those volunteers whose service is notable for its longevity. The volunteers listed below have shown dedication beyond compare to the mission of Tau Kappa Epsilon and their years of service aiding our Fraters in their mental, moral and social development is worthy of TKE Nation's recognition. Below you will find the volunteers who are celebrating a benchmark year of service this year.
Director of Alumni Engagement Christopher Niles shared, "engaged volunteers are critical to our continued success. Thank you to these key leaders who have provided continuity over multiple years and have impacted the lives of thousands of Fraters."
Dr. William V. Muse
Northwestern State University

Frater William V. Muse has been volunteering with Tau Kappa Epsilon for 54 years. A graduate of Northwestern State University in Louisiana, Frater Muse earned his MBA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Arkansas. His long and distinguished academic career included both teaching and administrative positions. He served as dean of business schools at Appalachian State University, the University of Nebraska, and Texas A&M University, where he was later appointed vice-chancellor for academic programs.
A Past Grand Prytanis of Tau Kappa Epsilon, Frater Muse is now a member of the board of directors of the TKE Education Foundation. He joined the ranks of Circle of Excellence in 2007, Life Loyal Teke program in 2003, received the Fraternity for Life Award in 2002, is a Knight of Apollo (1993), Teke Alumnus of the Year recipient in 1985, Order of the Golden Eagle in 1983, and member of the Southern Order of Honor.
The William V. Muse Alumni Volunteer Academy, named in honor of Frater Muse, is designed as TKE’s premier volunteer training opportunity. This program invests in the individual to develop their personal leadership and mentoring style. It utilizes lessons taught at both the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Leadership Academy and key principles from Past Grand Prytanis Dr. William V. Muse’s research on leadership and management in the fraternity world; the AVA helps train TKE volunteers to truly build Better Men for a Better World on campuses across North America.
Conrad R. Solum Jr.
University of Southern California
In 1965, following law school, the AirForce Reserves, and the establishment of his career, he began his volunteer position on the Scorpion Benefit Corporation, the not-for-profit entity that owns the local TKE properties. Fifty-six years later, Frater Solum is still one of the area’s most appreciated and dedicated volunteers. With this lifetime of service, it is no surprise that Connie had a part in the making TKE the fastest growing fraternity in the history of the USC Greek System.
Frater Solum, speaking of his volunteer efforts, shared, “That’s something we learn in the Fraternity; it’s part of our DNA. Staying involved and being helpful to people.” He continued, “Put as much effort into the Fraternity as you can muster because you will get back more than that—At that time or in the future. Stay involved.”
Celebrating Twenty Fifth Year of Service
Daniel S. Cross | Omicron-Mu | Husson University |
Mark E. Shell | Epsilon-Sigma | University of Central Oklahoma |
Earl W. Bright IV | Theta-Gamma | Lock Haven University |
Daniel L. Cummings | Kappa-Nu Colony | Rockhurst University |
Jason A. Halprin | Rho-Tau | University of Michigan-Dearborn |
Joseph P. McCarthy | Pi-Beta | Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
James R. Burmeister | Xi | Washington University |
Mark A. Melby | Delta-Psi | North Dakota State University |
Louis L. LeBlanc CAE | Gamma-Theta | University of Florida |
Eric J. Purchase, Esq. | Delta-Chi | Gannon University |
Celebrating Tenth Year of Service
1SG James C. Upton | Iota-Omega | Glenville State College |
Richard E. Enkeboll | Beta-Lambda | Auburn University |
Siji Moore | Iota | Eureka College |
Lucas M. Little | Iota | Eureka College |
Brandon Weger | Iota | Eureka College |
Troy Hall | Iota | Eureka College |
Joshua G. McKee | Iota | Eureka College |
Jon Hackler | Iota | Eureka College |
Joshuia Fender | Iota | Eureka College |
Erik Kurtenbach | Iota | Eureka College |
Tyler Cobler | Iota | Eureka College |
Saad Abbas | Rho-Delta | Cal Poly Pomona |
Rey Morales | Sigma-Alpha | Florida International University |
Dave A. Reed | Epsilon-Theta | Southeastern Oklahoma State University |
Jesse N. Ramirez | Zeta-Delta | Alma College |
Kevin R. Stone | Rho-Tau | University of Michigan-Dearborn |
Hubert H. Setzler III | Omicron-Theta | Newberry College |
Kirk A. Martin | Rho-Psi | Millersville University |
Gregory Sanchez | Pi-Theta | University of Texas at San Antonio |
Robert A. Emmons, Jr. | Pi-Chi | Rutgers University-Camden |
Curt M. Costello | Beta-Eta | Missouri University of Science and Technology |
David T. Beule | Beta-Rho | University of Akron |
Robert B. Altizer | Xi-Omega | Virginia Polytechnic Institute |
Paul B. Frank | Iota-Pi | Kent State University |
Shawn W. O'Dowd | Xi-Omega | Virginia Polytechnic Institute |
Erik Lewis | Nu | University of California, Berkeley |
Phillip W. Bowen | Zeta-Delta | Alma College |
Paul F. Kinder | Zeta-Delta | Alma College |
Adam C. Walker | Theta-Delta | Fairmont State University |
G. Scott Spence | Beta-Beta | North Carolina State University |
Cory Funk | Pi-Alpha | Ashland University |
Thomas R. Supers | Mu-Alpha Colony | West Chester University |
Todd Prokop | Zeta-Mu | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Justin Odom | Zeta-Mu | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Samuel Feller | Zeta-Mu | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Michael P. Sullivan | Pi-Alpha | Ashland University |
Jonathan Safford | Lambda-Delta | University of Southern Maine |
Frank L. Harbin | Xi-Theta | University of West Georgia |
Jeremy J. Spivey | Xi-Theta | University of West Georgia |
Jason L. Richards | Tau-Psi | University of West Florida |
James M. Carberry | Iota-Chi | New Mexico Highlands University |
William Thurston Pope | Mu-Chi | University of North Carolina at Wilmington |
Scott Repie | Iota-Pi | Kent State University |
Brandon R. Smith | Epsilon-Upsilon | Northwestern State University |
Drew H. Griffin | Lambda-Psi | East Carolina University |
Arthur S. Duffy | Beta-Chi | Southern Illinois University Carbondale |
Robert C. Reineck | Gamma-Chi | Valparaiso University |
Andrew E. Zielinski | Delta-Epsilon | Cleveland State University |
Christopher A. Nobbs | Rho-Epsilon | Northwood University |
John A. deBont | Alpha-Rho | University of Rhode Island |
T. J. Moody | Alpha-Nu | University of New Hampshire |
J. V. Patel | Tau-Pi | Pace University-Manhattan |
Justin J. Kopp | Delta-Psi | North Dakota State University |
Matthew R. Adams | Sigma-Kappa | Merrimack College |
Robert A. Waitkus | Alpha-Tau | Drexel University |
Michael A. Ferro | Zeta-Mu | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Charles R. Messina III | Tau-Theta | Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison |
Timothy B. Bausch | Phi | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Charles E. Pearson | Omicron-Nu | Florida Institute of Technology |
Matt E. Hodge | Pi-Delta | University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Tony Brammer | Tau-Nu | Shawnee State University |
David M. Scull | Omicron-Sigma | Indiana University Southeast |
Greg M. Gallup | Gamma-Phi | Emporia State University |
Larry King | Theta-Sigma | St. John's University |
Jeffrey M. Berman | Kappa-Psi | Quinnipiac University |
Dr. Dennis E. Gregory | Mu-Tau | James Madison University |
Joshua Louden | Upsilon-Iota | Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis |
Zachary C. Dorholt | Theta-Rho | St. Cloud State University |
Clay Acker | Delta-Chi | Gannon University |
Anthony J. Wright | Nu | University of California, Berkeley |
John Lafay | - | University of Wisconsin, Plattville |
The Grand Council of Tau Kappa Epsilon has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Looking for a way to contribute to the future of TKE? Make a gift to Life Loyal Teke today.